scrutinize|scrutinized|scrutinizes|scrutinizing in English

verb scrutinize (Amer.)

[scru·ti·nize || 'skruːtnaɪz /-tɪnaɪz]

examine, investigate, check closely, inspect (also scrutinise)

Use "scrutinize|scrutinized|scrutinizes|scrutinizing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scrutinize|scrutinized|scrutinizes|scrutinizing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scrutinize|scrutinized|scrutinizes|scrutinizing", or refer to the context using the word "scrutinize|scrutinized|scrutinizes|scrutinizing" in the English Dictionary.

1. We must scrutinize and evaluate.

2. He scrutinized the document closely.

3. We scrutinize the crime scene.

4. Scrutinize the menu for something exceptional.

5. The protein's chemical hardiness is also scrutinized.

6. His every utterance will be scrutinized.

7. She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.

8. He scrutinizes Alongshore portrayal by writers, artists, and the popular media

9. You'll also scrutinize how you spend money.

10. The Federal Trade Commission is scrutinizing the proposed merger of the two companies.

11. The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws .

12. The American Prospect scrutinized a report that Aired …

13. Sherman got out and immediately scrutinized the right rear fender.

14. As a man scrutinizing balloting , he is just and honest , so don't worry.

15. Not all models have been scrutinized under present techniques.

16. As a restored Christian community, the remnant scrutinized themselves.

17. Both planets have been scrutinized more Comprehensively by probes than Earth

18. MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.

19. Synonyms for Contextualizing include inspecting, investigating, parsing, pondering, reviewing, scrutinising, scrutinizing, appraising, auditing and considering

20. Examiners were then chosen to scrutinize the sealed votes and note them down.

21. Together we scrutinized the twelve lemon cakes from the delicatessen shop.

22. However, the French Government agreed to scrutinize the Insurance Code for ambiguities.

23. Synonyms for Assaying include trying, attempting, endeavouring, endeavoring, essaying, scrutinising, scrutinizing, seeking, striving and undertaking

24. The Committee is of the opinion that exceptions should be carefully scrutinized

25. And for this we have to scrutinize the comparative process of urban development.